Is Kratom a Food that We eat?

by | Aug 5, 2022 | What is Kratom? | Is kratom Food?

Is Kratom Food?

Kratom is not typically considered a food product. It is an herbal supplement derived from the leaves of the Kratom tree (Mitragyna speciosa) and is known for its potential effects on the mind and body. Mitragyna Speciosa is commonly consumed in various forms, such as powder, capsules, or as a brewed tea.

Kratom, a tropical evergreen tree native to Southeast Asia, has gained popularity not only for its potential medicinal properties but also for its versatility in being incorporated into various food recipes. While it is not considered a traditional food in the same way as fruits, vegetables, or grains, some individuals have found creative ways to include it into their culinary endeavors.

One common method of incorporating it into food is by adding it to smoothies. Kratom Smoothies are a popular choice for health-conscious individuals looking to boost their nutrient intake, and the addition of Kratom can provide an extra dose of potential benefits. By blending Kratom powder with fruits, vegetables, and other smoothie ingredients, individuals can enjoy a refreshing and nutritious beverage while potentially reaping the effects of Kratom.

Another way people experiment with Kratom in their diet is by incorporating it into protein balls. Protein honey balls are a convenient and portable snack option, often made with ingredients like nuts, seeds, and protein powder. By adding Kratom to the mix, individuals can create a unique and potentially beneficial snack that combines the nutritional benefits of protein with the potential effects of Kratom.

It is important to note that while some people enjoy incorporating mitragyna speciosa into their food recipes, it is not a traditional food in the same way as fruits, vegetables, or grains. Kratom is primarily known for its potential properties and is typically consumed in the form of capsules, teas, or extracts. However, for those who are open to exploring alternative ways of consuming Kratom, incorporating it into food recipes can provide a novel and potentially enjoyable experience.

Back to Normality

After a long and challenging period, it is a relief to see that things are slowly returning to normal. The hope of enjoying a fun-filled summer outdoors is finally becoming a reality. With restrictions easing and vaccinations becoming more widespread, people are feeling more confident about venturing out and exploring new places once again.

The prospect of a vibrant and exciting summer is particularly exciting after the limitations and confinement of the past year. The opportunity to reconnect with friends and family, to gather in parks, beaches, and backyard barbecues, is a welcome change. The simple pleasures of picnics, outdoor sports, and leisurely walks are now within reach.

As we embrace this newfound freedom, it is important to prioritize our well-being and ensure we have the energy and vitality to make the most of the summer months. This is where trusted sources like kratom come into play. Kratom, a natural herb derived from the leaves of the Mitragyna speciosa tree, has gained popularity for its potential to provide a boost in energy, enhance mood, and promote relaxation.

By purchasing kratom from a trusted source, individuals can ensure they are getting a high-quality product that meets their needs. Whether it’s to combat fatigue after a long day of outdoor activities or to unwind and relax in the evening, kratom can be a valuable addition to one’s summer routine.

As we embark on this long-awaited return to normalcy, let us not forget the importance of self-care and taking care of our physical and mental well-being. By incorporating trusted products like kratom into our lives, we can make the most of this summer and create lasting memories of joy, relaxation, and adventure. So, let’s seize the opportunity to embrace the outdoors, explore new places, and make this summer one to remember.

I know everywhere in the country is different, but in Salem County New Jersey it has been strict since March 2020. It is now August 5,2022 and we are still dealing with covid-19 and now monkeypox. What else?

I should not ask that question! Anyways, We are discussing whether kratom is a food product or not? In our Blog We will discuss that issue and make you aware of what’s new at Christopher’s Organic Botanicals. We will have more products soon and want to be your go-to store for everything you need.

Kratom Products

Product descriptions are interactive and will go directly to testing results and other pertinent information. Speciosa is a wonderful plant that collaborates individually with each person.

We are starting to see nutrition information available about kratom. Kratom nutrients value is still being studied.

No one can say that a certain phenotype of Mitragyna Speciosa works one way for everyone. Nature is great and challenging to find out what works best.

Herbalism is trial and error to find out what works best and what amount of each herb is right for you.

There are many changes in the industry, and we are doing our part to make sure this plant is available for years to come. We are not a company that cares about money. We care about Kratom.

We care about Fair Trade. We are Paying extra money for quality products and Pure kratom. We care about making sure that these plants that we love and use daily are not banned or endangered by overharvesting practices.

We are here for the community and not to dominate the industry. We are here for you!

Kratom roots

Mitragyna Speciosa must be processed, Tested, Packaged, and treated the proper way. This Plant means so much to so many and We promise to be here doing the right thing. Mitragyna Speciosa contains Mitragynine, along with many other alkaloids that are responsible for the way this plant interacts with our bodies.

Mitragyna Speciosa has been traditionally drank as a tea or the leaf was chewed and discarded. Herbs are food since we use herbs in our cooking and beverages.

Is kratom an Herb?

One Johns Hopkins study refers to it as an herb and other studies such as National Institute of Health refers to kratom as a plant. The national institute on drug abuse views it as an herbal substance.

Speciosa leaves are not approved by the FDA and have caused side effects in southeast Asia and the US. People who use kratom are stating the effects of it are not negative. Speciosa users are stating that this plant has helped them and not hurt them in anyway at all.

In order to fully understand the potential benefits and risks of kratom, further research is necessary. Currently, there is still much to learn about this substance, including its chemical composition, pharmacological effects, and potential therapeutic applications. Additionally, there is a need to investigate its long-term effects on human health and potential interactions with other medications.

Furthermore, there seems to be a vocabulary issue surrounding kratom. While some refer to it as a plant, others classify it as a tree or an herb. This discrepancy highlights the need for clarity and consensus within the scientific community regarding the categorization of kratom.

Despite these uncertainties, one thing is clear: the discovery of Mitragyna Speciosa, the scientific name for kratom, has had a significant impact on the lives of many individuals. People have reported various effects and experiences after consuming kratom.

Rigorous scientific studies, including clinical trials, are needed to validate these reported benefits and to determine the appropriate dosage, potential side effects, and any potential risks associated with kratom use.

In conclusion, while the discovery of Mitragyna Speciosa has sparked interest and excitement, there is still much research to be done in order to fully understand the properties and effects of kratom. Only through comprehensive scientific investigation can we gain a clearer understanding of its potential benefits and risks, and make informed decisions regarding its use.

Either way we look at the verbiage, kratom is consumed one way or another, so when we consume something, it is either a food or a supplement.

Kratom Indonesia

We are in communication with Indonesian farmers and local government officials ensuring that Kratom is managed and treated properly. There are many differences in the way it is managed and processed in Indonesia and eventually we will get to a point where we are all on the same page.

There is still plenty of speciosa coming out of Indonesia that is either being sold by private citizens from their backyard and not evaluated or leaves that are very weak and not what we want in a product.

Also, there are alot of kratom powders and kratom products coming from Indonesia that just are not even kratom at all.

There are a few sub species of kratom that have little or no Mitragynine at all. Problem is that the leaves look very similar and taste alike too.

Mitragyna Stipulosa, Mitragyna Javanica and Mitragyna Hirsuta are some of the sub species of kratom that have little or no Mitragynine.

There is a wonderful piece on kratom that was published by Harvard Health that’s worth a read:

Be vigilant in everything that you do and know where your kratom leaves are coming from. We use one group since 2017 and do not change our suppliers at all!

We have joined forces with BWK and are creating a unified group of likeminded kratom enthusiasts.

Our group is the same since 2017, but we are becoming better organized in Indonesia now!

We will be meeting with our suppliers next week and having some good conversations about kratom and what we can do to sustain the plant that we love so much.

God Bless You! Be Safe! Take care of each other ?


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