Top Kratom Myths & Misinformation

by | May 24, 2023 | Kratom Advocacy

Mitragyna Speciosa is a tree from Southeast Asia. People have used its leaves for a long time to treat different conditions.

There are myths and confusion about this plant. People are unsure about what it is, how it works, and if it’s safe. Below are some of the Kratom myths and misinformation we will be debunking.

Alcohol and Kratom

Research suggests that kratom does interact with alcohol. In fact, it can be harmful. Do not consume Kratom with Alcohol and make sure that you have the understanding of how alcohol and kratom react together.

Combining alcohol and kratom can be dangerous and can cause a hangover. Mixing alcohol and kratom is not recommended due to the risks and uncertainty involved, despite some seeking a stronger experience.

It’s always crucial to be aware of potential interactions and dangers when mixing substances. If someone is considering combining them or has done so and is experiencing adverse effects, they should seek medical attention immediately.

Kratom Hasn’t Been Researched

Many people think mitragyna Speciosa is not well-researched and our understanding of it is limited. However, it’s important to note that there may be a lack of research on mitragyna Speciosa (kratom’s scientific name). This doesn’t mean researchers haven’t studied it at all.

People in Southeast Asia, especially in Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia, have traditionally used kratom for a long time. Indigenous communities in these regions have been utilizing it for centuries, primarily for its energetic properties. This traditional knowledge and experience have provided valuable insights into the effects and potential benefits of kratom.

Although there is not much scientific research on speciosa, some studies have examined its chemical makeup and effects. Researchers discovered and examined the various alkaloids in kratom, including mitragynine, which they believe is responsible for its effects. Scientists have studied how these alkaloids work and how they interact with receptors in the brain and nervous system.

Moreover, anecdotal evidence and user reports have played a significant role in expanding our understanding of kratom. People who have used kratom have talked about their experiences, showing its possible benefits, side effects, and recommended doses. Although anecdotes are not a substitute for scientific research, they can still provide useful insights and guide future studies.

Despite limited research, mitragyna speciosa has caught the attention of scientists, doctors, and regulators in recent years. More money and attention are now being given to studying the possible benefits, safety, and dangers of kratom. Currently, numerous studies and trials are being conducted to gain a deeper understanding of kratom’s effects. These research efforts also aim to determine the potential medical applications of kratom.

In conclusion, we must acknowledge that formal scientific research on kratom, specifically mitragyna Speciosa, may be lacking. However, it would be incorrect to assume that researchers have not studied it at all. We are learning more about mitragyna speciosa and its advantages and dangers through traditional knowledge, chemical analysis, anecdotes, and ongoing research. As research continues to expand, we can expect to gain more comprehensive insights into this intriguing plant.

There have been many scientific studies on the effects of it on the body and its potential uses as a medicine. Most of the research has been done in Southeast Asia. It is legal and easy to find there. In contrast, in the West, where it is still not well-known, less research has been conducted.

Different Kratom Strains Come From Different Trees

Another common misconception is that all strains come from the same tree. There are several species of Speciosa trees, each producing a different strain of kratom. For example, the red vein and green vein kratom strains comes from the Mitragyna speciosa tree, Other types of Speciosa varities can come from the Mitragyna parvifolia tree. Different strains have different effects on the body, so it’s important to choose the right one for your needs.

Mitragyna Parvifolia

Mitragyna parvifolia, also known as Kaim, is a tree in the coffee family, Rubiaceae. This species is native to the Indian Subcontinent, and can be found in various regions of India, Pakistan, and Nepal.

The tree grows to about 15–30 meters in height and its bark is grey and rough. The tree has elliptical leaves that are heart-shaped at the base and have pointed tips. The flowers are small and yellow, arranged in round clusters on stalks.

Mitragyna parvifolia has been used in traditional medicine in its native regions for its various therapeutic properties. The leaves, bark, and fruits of the tree have been used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat various ailments, such as digestive issues and skin diseases.

It’s worth noting that Mitragyna parvifolia is a different species from Mitragyna speciosa, which is more commonly known as kratom. The two species are related but have different chemical compositions and effects. Unlike M. speciosa, M. parvifolia is not typically used recreationally for its properties.

As with any substance, especially those that have alkaloid properties, it’s always important to use responsibly and with proper medical guidance. And as with any substance, legality can vary by country and region, so it’s important to check local laws and regulations.

Kratom Is Completely Legal

Many believe that Speciosa is completely legal, but this is untrue. While it is legal in many countries, including the United States, there are some states and countries where it is illegal or regulated.

Mitragyna Speciosa, a tropical evergreen tree native to Southeast Asia, has faced legal restrictions in various states across the United States. In Alabama, Arkansas, Indiana, Rhode Island, and Wisconsin, kratom is completely illegal, meaning its possession, sale, and use are prohibited. These states have classified mitragyna speciosa as a Schedule I controlled substance, placing it in the same category as drugs like heroin and LSD.

However, the legal landscape surrounding kratom is not uniform throughout the country. In several other states, mitragyna Speciosa is regulated rather than outright banned. This means that while it is not illegal, there are certain restrictions and regulations in place to control its distribution and use. These regulations typically require individuals to be of a certain age, usually 18 or 21 years old, in order to purchase or possess kratom.

The specific regulations and restrictions on kratom vary from state to state. Some states may require vendors to obtain licenses or permits to sell it, while others may impose labeling requirements or product testing standards to ensure consumer safety. Additionally, some states may have imposed dosage limits or restrictions on the sale of kratom extracts or concentrated forms.

It is important to note that the legal status of kratom is subject to change, as laws and regulations can be amended or updated over time. Therefore, it is advisable for individuals to stay informed about the current laws in their respective states regarding kratom to avoid any legal complications.

There Is No Research on Kratom

Another myth about Mitragyna Speciosa is that there is no research on its effects on the body. While there is a lack of research in the West, many studies have been conducted in Southeast Asia, where kratom is widely used as a traditional medicine. These studies have found that kratom can have various effects on the body.

Additionally, anecdotal evidence from users also supports the potential benefits of kratom. However, more research is needed to fully understand the risks and benefits of using kratom and to determine the best practices for using it safely and effectively.

Different Strains of Kratom Are Extracted from Different Trees

Another misconception is that all strains are extracted from the same tree. There are several species of speciosa trees, each producing a different strain or kratom phenotype. The most popular strains include Bali, Maeng Da, Thai, and Malay, but there are many others. Each strain has unique properties and effects on the body, which is why choosing the right strain for your needs is important.

Another example is the Bali strain, known for its relaxing and soothing effects, while Maeng Da is more energizing and stimulating. Choosing the right strain for your needs is important, as the effects can vary widely depending on the strain and dosage.

Kratom Is Hard To Grow

Some people believe kratom is difficult to grow, which is why it is so expensive. While it is true that Mitragyna Speciosa is not an easy plant to cultivate, it is not necessarily difficult to grow either. Many farmers in Southeast Asia grow it as a cash crop, one of the region’s most popular plants.

Furthermore, kratom can be grown indoors and outdoors, and many online resources are available to help beginners learn how to grow it successfully. Additionally, advancements in technology and farming practices have made cultivating easier and more cost-effective, which has contributed to the growth of the industry in recent years.

Kratom Is Dangerous

There are many myths and misconceptions about the safety of mitragyna speciosa, with some people claiming that it is a dangerous drug that should be avoided. While it is true that it can have some side effects, including nausea, dizziness, and constipation, it is not generally considered to be dangerous when used responsibly.

In fact, many people use it to manage conditions without experiencing any adverse effects. However, it is important to use speciosa responsibly and in moderation, as with any substance. Check with your Doctor or pharmacist and talk about any possible medication interactions.

The Kratom Industry Is Unregulated & Therefore Unsafe

Another common myth about kr8om is that the industry is unregulated and unsafe. While it is true that the FDA does not regulate the industry, many reputable vendors who care about kratom sell high-quality, lab-tested kratom products. These vendors take steps to ensure the purity and safety of their products, and many of them have a strong reputation within the community. However, it is important to research and choose a reputable vendor before buying it.


In conclusion, there are many myths and misconceptions surrounding kratom, but the truth is that it is a natural plant with potential therapeutic benefits when used responsibly. While there is a lack of research in the West, studies conducted in Southeast Asia have shown that mitragyna speciosa can effectively manage various conditions.

It is important to use kratom responsibly, choose the right strain for your needs, and research and choose a reputable vendor. By understanding the facts, we can make informed decisions about its potential uses and risks and buy kratom with all of the information about the plant.


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