Please Fight to keep kratom legal in the United States

by | Jul 20, 2022 | Kratom Advocacy

Keep Kratom Legal

I am writing because we need your help to save kratom from an international ban. The United States Federal Government almost banned kratom in 2016.

The Food and Drug administration called it a public health crisis! We know kratom products and the effects of kratom are benign comparatively, but we are still seeing new kratom import alerts.

I have been part of the community since 2015. I started this kratom company in 2016 after using it for about a year. When I first found out about kratom I was amazed to say the least.

I almost did not want to talk to anyone about it from fear of this plant getting too popular. Guess what? That happened anyway!

I thought to myself, there is a plant out in the world that works better than what I was taking for years? Why haven’t I heard of it? Where was it hiding? Indonesia and Southeast Asia, I guess, and I started researching everything I could about it.

Bali kratom was a type that was talked about and I was told Bali is a port in Indonesia not a place kratom is grown, but people were so familiar with the traditional names we just stuck with them. That is why we talk about and supply regional types of kratom and not talk so much about the variety of strains or strain names.

I contacted people in Indonesia, and we talked about mitragyna speciosa. We shared emotional connections about Mitragyna Speciosa. The official language Bahasa Indonesian was something that I was not too familiar with, so google translate was a valuable tool in the beginning. Google translate works wonders.

I found people that sold cheap kratom, or kratom mixed with other non-kratom leaves that were just in it for the money and others that really cared about kratom. The total population of Indonesia was 273,753,191 in 2021. That is a lot of people that could benefit from proper wages. That is also a lot of people that can sell kratom from their backyard too!

Granted everyone in Indonesia wants a better quality of life and this plant gives them that quality of life they deserve. Most farmers want regulations to ensure that they are getting paid properly. These farmers live in small villages in Indonesia and struggle to make ends meet. These ethnic groups need our help and need to be protected.

We found a great team and they are known as Borneo World Kratom. The republic of Indonesia is much different than we are used to, and people are on a different type of clock. Not just being 11-13 hours ahead of the United States, but the lifestyle is more laid back.

I remember being told I will call you in a couple hours. Hours meant days. If you are told a few weeks, then you better figure a month. Very laid back compared to the United States.

These people care about the longevity and future of Kratom. They also make sure the harvesters are getting paid a fair wage. These are key facts for the future of Kratom. There are numerous groups in Indonesia.

One group is known as BWK. They started years ago planting kratom trees so that the wild kratom could flourish. Most people are unaware of the activities that go on in the background to sustain kratom. Much more than harvesting and drying kratom tree leaves.

We are a family, and We must come together for this plant that we love. We can all go back to whatever we we are doing after the World Health Organization backs off and sees our comments.

World Health Organization Peer reviewed report

I am hoping that we get there, and the World Health Organization does not stop all this progress that we have made over the years. We are a team, and we are the Community. Our group of people have always had a sense of community behind us. I know that we all have our differences and why we use Kratom.

The Kratom, Mitragynine, 7-hydroxymitragynine pre-review report from the World Health Organization was very promising when I read it.

(Update 2022 World Health Organization states no need for a formal review!)

People must know how important this plant really is to all of us. We must speak out and get the message out. We are the ones with the power to change the world if we only use our voices.

Granted some things are set in stone before they happen and we do not have a voice, but this is different. Speciosa really helps people, and the majority will rule! People everywhere will see that there is a plant that helps.

I really thought that this plant that I finally found after 40 years is going to be banned. I do not want that happening and I know that you do not either. It has a way of bringing people together for a common cause. I contacted everyone that I knew in the Cannabis community and asked for all their help with signatures and getting the word out.

The plant medicine community should always come together to support one another. When we work as a team, we will get things done the proper way.

I do not have all the answers, but I promise to always be honest and up front about my passion for plants and herbs that we use. I know that We all love Kratom! Some people may be scared to talk, or tell their story, but when I just relax and talk about kratom it comes naturally.

At Christopher’s Organic Botanicals we focus on customer service, a variety of lab tested kratom strains, and being able to buy kratom from a cgmp certified facility. We will have some more exciting products coming by the end of summer 2022! We will have additional products available by the end of 2023.

We will do our best to bring you the best quality and variety of kratom products that the market has to offer. We will always do our best for you!

Kratom Advocates

I am passionate about sharing my story with everyone I meet in life. It is not because I want to sell kratom, but rather because I want to spread awareness about this incredible plant. As a business owner, I prioritize being an advocate for kratom above all else.

One of the ways I express my passion is through writing blogs. I pour my heart into these articles, discussing the various aspects of kratom and its benefits. I delve into its history, its different strains, and the positive impact it has had on countless individuals. By sharing my personal experiences and knowledge, I hope to educate and inspire others to explore the potential of kratom.

When I talk about speciosa, I do so with genuine enthusiasm and a deep understanding of its potential. I share stories of how mitragyna speciosa has positively influenced my life and the lives of those around me.

Through my advocacy efforts, I aim to break the stigma surrounding it and promote its responsible use. I want people to understand that kratom is not just another substance, but a natural plant with remarkable properties. By sharing my story, I hope to encourage open-mindedness and foster a sense of community among those who have found solace in kratom.

Overall, my goal is to spread awareness and knowledge about mitragyna speciosa, not for personal gain, but to empower others to make informed decisions about their health and well-being. I am dedicated to being a voice for kratom and will continue to share my story with anyone willing to listen.

In 2016 I was scared. I went to Washington D.C. in 2016 and went through all the torment waiting for the decision. When I heard the DEA backed off, I was shocked.

October 13, 2016 is when the dea made it’s official decision to back off and not ban kratom! The Withdrawal of Notice of Intent to Temporarily Place Mitragynine and 7-Hydroxymitragynine Into Schedule I was filed in the Federal Register.

We have many great advocates in the community. One such great kratom advocate is Misteaz. Check out misteaz merch for some wonderful custom kratom t-shirts and apparel.

Let’s get the energy that we had in 2016 again. Tell your story!

Public speaking is a common fear that many people experience, and I am no exception. Even though I have gained some confidence over time, I still feel a bit nervous when I have to speak in front of a large audience. This feeling is completely natural and is a part of human nature. It is not uncommon for individuals to feel anxious or uneasy when they are required to address a crowd.

Public speaking is often regarded as one of the most feared activities, and it is understandable why. The pressure of being in the spotlight, the fear of making mistakes or being judged, and the anticipation of the audience’s reaction can all contribute to the anxiety associated with public speaking. It takes a great deal of courage and practice to overcome these fears and deliver a successful speech.

However, despite the nerves and apprehension, it is important to recognize the significance of public speaking. It is a powerful tool that can bring about positive change and impact lives. This is where the mention of “this plant” comes into play. Although the context of the plant is not clear, it seems to be something that has the potential to make a difference in people’s lives.

In order to harness the power of this plant and its potential benefits, it is crucial for us to come together as a community. By uniting our efforts and working towards a common goal, we can increase our chances of success. Collaboration and support from others can provide the necessary encouragement and motivation to overcome our fears and achieve our objectives.

Therefore, it is essential to recognize the importance of public speaking and the impact it can have on individuals and communities. While it may be a nerve-wracking experience, it is a challenge that can be conquered with practice and determination. By embracing public speaking and supporting each other, we can create positive change and achieve our goals as a community.

Keep Kratom Legal for Future Generations! Let’s Stop Kratom Legal bans!

God Bless You and Be Safe!



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