White Maeng Da Flash Sale

White Maeng Da Kratom

Christopher’s Organic Botanicals’ White Vein Maeng Da kratom is pure and free of fillers. Our customers love our White Maeng Da Kratom, which is a top-selling product. Maeng Da is probably the most well known name in the world.

We love hearing stories and seeing pictures of the jungles and wild speciosa trees! We work with a scout that hunts down and finds the best natural wild speciosa we can find. Mitragyna speciosa is a tree from Southeast Asia that comes from the coffee family, but doesn’t contain caffiene.

At our company, we take great pride in sourcing our kratom directly from Southeast Asia. We believe in establishing strong relationships with local farmers and suppliers who share our commitment to fair trade practices. By doing so, we ensure that our kratom is ethically and sustainably harvested.

Our direct sourcing approach allows us to have complete control over the entire production process, from the cultivation of kratom trees to the final packaging of our products. We work closely with our partners in Southeast Asia to ensure that the kratom leaves are harvested at the optimal time, when their alkaloid content is at its peak.

To maintain the consistently high quality of our speciosa, we implement rigorous quality control measures at every stage. Our team of experts carefully inspects each batch to ensure that it meets our strict standards for purity, potency, and freshness. We also conduct regular lab testing to verify the absence of any contaminants or adulterants.

By sourcing directly from Southeast Asia, we are able to offer our customers a wide variety of strains, each with its own unique characteristics and effects. Whether you’re looking for an energizing strain or a more relaxing and calming one, we have something to suit your needs.

Furthermore, our commitment to fair trade practices means that we pay our suppliers and farmers a fair price for their hard work and dedication. We believe in supporting the local communities and economies in Southeast Asia, ensuring that they benefit from the mitragyna speciosa trade as well.

In conclusion, our direct sourcing approach from Southeast Asia using fair trade practices allows us to provide our customers with a consistently high-quality kratom product. We prioritize ethical and sustainable practices throughout the entire production process, ensuring that our customers can trust the purity and potency of our kratom.

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  • Green Maeng Da and Red Maeng Da are close relatives. A good Daytime phenotype as mentioned by consumers.

White Vein Maeng Da Flash Sale Kratom effects

White Vein Maeng Da Kratom is a specific strain of kratom known for its unique properties and effects. As with all kratom varieties, the effects can vary from person to person, and individual responses may differ. Remember, kratom is not approved for medical use and its safety and legality are still debated and regulated in many countries.

White Vein Maeng Da kratom is believed to be more energizing than red and green vein types.

Some potential effects of White Vein Maeng Da kratom may include:

  1. Increased Energy: Many users report feeling more energized and alert after consuming White Vein Maeng Da kratom. It is often used to combat fatigue and improve focus and productivity.
  2. Enhanced Cognitive Function: Some individuals claim that White Vein Maeng Da can improve mental clarity, concentration, and cognitive performance.
  3. Mood Enhancement: Users of White Vein Maeng Da kratom may experience an uplift in mood and an improved sense of well-being.
  4. Sociability: Some people find that White Vein Maeng Da kratom increases sociability and talkativeness.
  5. Appetite Reduction: White vein kratom strains are sometimes used by individuals seeking to suppress their appetite.
  6. Stamina and Endurance: Some users report that White Vein Maeng Da kratom helps them endure physically demanding tasks or workouts.
  7. People use White Vein kratom products during the day to increase energy and focus.


  •  Harvested from the Jong Kong Region of Indonesia!


  • Light White

Batch Number

  • 150628

Expiration or Best By Date

  • 6/26

Alkaloid Percentages

Initial alkaloid Percentages when testing the batch and adding percentages to the package

  • Mitragynine=1.57% 7-Hydroxymitragynine=<LOQ% Speciogynine=0.21% Paynantheine=0.32% Speciociliatine =0.44% Total Alkaloids=2.6%

Second random alkaloid percentage test pulled from this batch for release testing as seen in lab results

  • Mitragynine=1.95% 7-Hydroxymitragynine<=<LOQ% Speciogynine=0.331% Paynantheine=0.331% Speciociliatine =0.557% Total Alkaloids=3.17%

We test kratom alkaloids twice to ensure quality before selling on our website. Alkaloids vary within the plant, so this helps us get an accurate picture of each batch. One alkaloid test for the package and one alkaloid test for random release testing. This will give a better idea of how the kratom alkaoids vary and how we can understand this plant much better.

This is one of the strongest batches of White Maeng Da that we have ever produced. Signs of great things to come for the future of GMP kratom.

Message from the 3rd party testing lab: It’s certainly one of the highest we’ve ever seen except for one other powder that was received in late 2021 from a small vendor directly from Indonesia. Either way, we’re confident in the analytical result as it was re-analyzed on two different days with fresh calibrations, and we performed a spike recovery using that specific sample on the re-analysis.

Christopher’s Organic Botanicals Testing Results

Alkaloids in plants differ, so we test them twice to ensure quality before selling on our website. One alkaloid test for the package and one kratom alkaloid test for random release testing. This will give a better idea of how the kratom alkaoids vary and how we can understand this plant much better.

Even with blending we see variations within the batch of kratom. It costs more for validation, but we want customers to understand the kratom plant and its alkaloids better.


  • 100% Mitragyna Speciosa.

Chris’s Take

  • Great for morning or earlier in the day.

GTIN Product Identification Numbers

2oz–Christopher’s Organic Botanicals Brand

  • GTIN 850007181352

4oz–Christopher’s Organic Botanicals Brand

  • GTIN 850007181345

9oz–Christopher’s Organic Botanicals Brand

  • GTIN 850007181338

16oz–Christopher’s Organic Botanicals Brand

  • GTIN 850007181321

WARNING: Before Using any Herbal Products, Make sure that you have a full knowledge of the herb, It’s Workings and any adverse reactions it may cause! Caution: Consult your physician prior to using this product if pregnant, nursing, taking medication or have a medical condition. This product was produced without federal regulatory oversight for health, safety, or efficacy. This product complies with testing and labeling requirements for microbiology, heavy metals, and contaminants required by the KCPA (New Jersey Kratom Consumer Protection Act).

This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.


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