How to make Cannabis butter

by | Oct 18, 2023 | Kratom Recipes

Cannabis has a long history of medicinal use that predates 1910, spanning several civilizations and continents. By the 19th and early 20th centuries, marijuana preparations had found their way into Western medicine, mainly as tinctures or extracts.

Cannabis in the context of the early 1900s

Western Medicine: By the late 19th century, cannabis tinctures were available in pharmacies and were used for various ailments. Pharmaceutical companies of the era, including Eli Lilly and Parke-Davis, produced cannabis-based medicines. People primarily used them for conditions like pain, insomnia, migraines, anxiety, menstrual cramps, and muscle spasms.

Regulation & Stigmatization: However, as the 20th century progressed, particularly after 1910, the perception of cannabis began to shift.

Several factors contributed to this

The Mexican Revolution brought many Mexicans to the U.S. Some of them started smoking marijuana for fun. Many Americans were unfamiliar with this practice. They began to believe that using cannabis was linked to crime and bad behavior.

The increasing use of injectable medicines and the development of new drugs started to make cannabis preparations seem outdated.

In the 1930s, laws like the 1937 Marihuana Tax Act limited cannabis use, even for medical reasons.

International Control: Beyond the U.S., international attitudes also began shifting. The 1925 International Opium Convention, for instance, recommended controlling marijuana as a drug, limiting its use to scientific and medicinal purposes.

Medicinal cannabis gained popularity again in the late 20th and early 21st centuries, despite being used for medicine in the past. New studies have shown that it is beneficial for treating illnesses. As a result, it has been legalized for medical use in numerous locations.

Making cannabis butter (often called “cannabutter”) involves infusing butter with cannabinoids from the plant. You can make cannabutter at home traditionally, or use the MB2 Magical Butter Machine.

You can use cannabutter as a base for various edible cannabis recipes.

Here’s a basic guide on how to make cannabutter


  • Salted or unsalted butter 1 cup.
  • Adjust the amount of decarboxylated cannabis (about 7-10 grams, or 1 cup) based on desired potency.

6 Steps to make cannabutter


1. Decarboxylation

  • Preheat your oven to 245°F (120°C).
  • Divide the marijuana buds into tinier fragments. A full grind is not necessary, but breaking up the cannabis helps heat evenly.
  • Place them on a tray covered with parchment paper.
  • Place the tray in the oven. Cook for 30-40 minutes. Stir the cannabis every 10 minutes to ensure even heating.
  • Once done, remove from the oven and let it cool. The cannabis should be dry and brownish-green.
  • You will smell a cannabis type smell when Decarboxylation is occuring.


2. Melting the Butter

  • In a medium saucepan, add a quart of water and bring it to a boil.
  • Once boiling, lower the heat and add the butter to the pan, allowing it to melt completely.


3. Adding the Cannabis

  • Once the butter has melted, add the decarboxylated cannabis to the saucepan.
  • Ensure that you mix well to evenly distribute the cannabis throughout the butter.


4. Simmer

  • Reduce the heat to low and let the mixture simmer for about 2-3 hours, stirring occasionally. This slow simmer allows for the THC and other cannabinoids to infuse into the butter.
  • Make sure the mixture doesn’t boil. If it starts to boil, reduce the heat.


5. Straining the Butter

  • After simmering, remove the mixture from the heat and let it cool slightly.
  • Place a fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth over a glass bowl or jar. Pour the mixture through the strainer or cheesecloth to separate the plant material from the infused butter.
  • Press down on the cannabis using a spoon or spatula to extract as much butter as possible. Alternatively, if using a cheesecloth, you can squeeze out the butter.


6. Refrigerate

  • Transfer the bowl or jar with the strained butter to the refrigerator and allow it to solidify.
  • After the cannabutter hardens, it can be added to many recipes to give a special touch to classic dishes. Whether you’re baking cookies, making brownies, or even cooking savory dishes like pasta or mashed potatoes, substituting regular butter with cannabutter can infuse your creations with the distinct flavor and effects of cannabis.
  • However, it’s important to note that cannabis edibles can be quite potent. The effects of consuming cannabis through edibles may take longer to manifest compared to other consumption methods such as smoking or vaping. This delay is due to the digestion and absorption process that occurs when consuming edibles.



To ensure a safe and enjoyable experience, it is crucial to consume cannabis edibles responsibly. Start with a small amount of the infused butter in your recipe and gradually increase the dosage if desired. This allows you to assess your tolerance and gauge the effects before consuming larger quantities.

Additionally, it’s essential to be aware of the potency of the cannabis used to make the cannabutter. Different strains and concentrations of THC (the psychoactive compound in cannabis) can result in varying levels of potency. Understanding the potency of your cannabutter will help you determine the appropriate dosage for your desired experience.

Different people react differently to cannabis. What might be a good amount for one person could be too much for someone else. It’s always better to start with a conservative amount and gradually increase if needed.

Lastly, it’s crucial to store your cannabutter properly to maintain its freshness and potency. Store it in a sealed container in the fridge or freezer to stop it from going bad or losing strength.

Follow these guidelines for safe and enjoyable cannabis edibles. Enjoy the unique effects and flavors of cannabutter in your cooking.

Note: Cannabis is subject to various legal regulations depending on where you live. Ensure you are aware of and are compliant with your local laws and regulations before making or consuming cannabis-infused products.


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